Help: Colour Bands in Mandelbrot Explorer

Colouration of the Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets is done by assigning every point a colour, based upon its Dwell. The Guides to the Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets give more details on how this works. All that matters at this stage is to realise that any point inside the Mandelbrot Set has a Dwell of Infinity, and is always coloured Black; every point outside has a number known as its Dwell. The closer you get to the Mandelbrot Set itself, the higher the Dwell becomes.

Colouration of the Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets is done by assigning every point a colour, based upon its Dwell. The Guides to the Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets give more details on how this works. All that matters at this stage is to realise that any point inside the Mandelbrot Set has a Dwell of Infinity, and is always coloured Black; every point outside has a number known as its Dwell. The closer you get to the Mandelbrot Set itself, the higher the Dwell becomes. Colouring points with different Dwells, so that they have different colours, can create an impressive visual effect.

You define a Colour Configuration by defining what colours will be displayed for what ranges of Dwells. For instance, you could say that all points with Dwells between 200 and 300 will be coloured Red. Mandelbrot Explorer also supports colour gradients; so you could say that points with a Dwell of 200 will be coloured Red; points with a Dwell of 300 will be coloured Blue; points with a Dwell in between 201 and 299 will be coloured with successive shades of Purple.

Mandelbrot Explorer allows you to Undo (and Redo) changes you make to the colour scheme. 10 levels of Undo are stored in memory.

Learn about how to add and remove colour bands using the Colour Configuration Page.

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